Baby and You

Teresa Watson

  • Childbirth Kaiako for Palmerston North Parents Centre

  • Baby & You facilitator for PN Parents Centre

  • Diploma in Pregnancy, Childbirth and Early Parenting, Bachelor of Educator/Teaching Primary option.

  • Passionate in supporting new families navigate their transition to parenthood; providing a space to share and ask questions and empower them to choose their own unique parenting path.



“Early parenthood is a life-changing experience into which we all go unrehearsed”

The ‘Baby and You’ programme follows on from antenatal classes and offers sound tips and strategies as you begin your remarkable journey into parenthood.

In your newborn child, you have a very special little individual who will grow and develop with your care and guidance. Contributing to the growth and development of your child can be hugely rewarding. To see your baby smile, play and grow – so helpless and dependant - can be an extraordinary experience. You will have feelings of tenderness, closeness and a sense of awe at the miracles of ‘first milestones’ - smiles, crawls, steps and games. But with a new baby comes uncharted waters. Your tiny bundle may rule the entire household through its routines, sleep patterns and behaviours. This can be very challenging.

Many parents, particularly new mums, find the information and support in the ‘Baby and You’ programme extremely helpful in managing the challenges, and making the most of the rewards, that a new baby brings to into their life. Parents Centres believe strongly in the strength of the support networks in getting through those early months. Firm friendships are often formed between course participants, through shared experiences and understandings. 

Discussion topics include:

The class is best suited to babies 0-6 weeks

What’s it about?

  • Feeding Where are they at now? Growth spurts, time, mastitis, trouble shooting
  • Sleeping What is normal? Dispelling the myths
  • Crying Tired signs and cues, crying is communication, in arms crying
  • Q & A Ask questions about your birth or recovery
  • Baby Massage
  • Health and Growth Fontanelle, hormone spots etc
  • Infant Development The Latest research from the Brainwave Trust

Discovering that other new parents can experience similar difficulties or have the same questions can be hugely supportive. Babies grow quickly and they go through a variety of stages. ‘Baby and You’ explores the first 3 months of your baby’s life and gives practical information about stimulation for babies, age-appropriate toys and the key milestones of your baby’s growth. 

The programme also recognises the heavy demands babies have on parents’ time and attention. It is common for parents to feel a loss of independence, a huge lack of sleep and worries around employment and financial changes. Included is a section on self-care strategies for parents – it’s a challenging time and let’s not forget about mum (or dad)!